Michael J. Hayes, CPA – Senior Vice President
- Tax planning for high-net-worth individuals
- Estate planning
- Multi-state corporate and individual tax planning
According to Michael, there’s a lot more to estate planning than knowing tax regulations. Personal concerns are just as, and sometimes more, important than financial considerations.
Preserving family wealth, supporting charitable endeavors and deciding how to divide assets can all be difficult to address. Should parents divide assets equally among their children when they have achieved different levels of financial success on their own? Will giving too much money to a child too soon keep the child from growing into a productive adult?
“There’s a lot of hand holding,” he said. “Personal relationships are important. Everyone has different needs; you can’t use a boilerplate document as an estate plan.”
In addition to assisting in estate planning, Michael provides income tax planning and preparation services for individuals residing throughout the United States.
Another challenge Michael frequently faces is corporate multi-state tax planning. “If you think the federal tax code is complex, try operating a business that has a presence in 40 different states. Each state has its own tax code and its own regulations.” In some cases, he finds that it is advantageous to have a client avoid nexus by restricting its business activity in a state; in other cases, he finds it desirable to have a client establish nexus to take advantage of more favorable tax rates and regulations.
An outdoor enthusiast, Michael enjoys canoeing, hiking and horseback riding.
Civic Activities (Previous):
- Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants, Financial and Estate
Planning Committee
- Wales, Massachusetts, Chairman, Board of Assessors
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants
- BS, Bentley College