Bankruptcy Counseling
Business Planning
Cash and Credit Management
Employee Compensation and Benefit Plans
Inventory Costing
Litigation Support
Mergers and Acquisitions
Succession Planning
Bankruptcy Counseling
We understand the intricacies of adverse financial situations, and can identify and help you understand the options available as you try to re-establish a sound financial footing.
Business Planning
We can help you develop a business plan, create budgets and forecasts, and identify the financial and non-financial performance metrics that should be quantified and monitored to keep you on course to meet your short- and long-term goals. top
Cash and Credit Management
Insufficient cash flow is one of the most frequent reasons businesses fail. We can assist you in developing budgets and projecting your liquidity needs. top
Employee Compensation and Benefit Plans
We can provide guidance in developing creative and tax-efficient compensation and employee benefit arrangements to help retain your key employees. top
We can provide valuable assistance in identifying sources of funds and preparing the financial documentation required to meet your financing needs. top
Inventory Costing
The global competition faced by manufacturers makes it imperative for them to determine the cost of each of their products with reasonable accuracy. Particularly in situations where a high percentage of product cost is attributable to overhead, traditional costing systems based on a volume-based allocation can result in distorted product costs and consequently, poor strategic decision making. We can help identify each key product’s activities and cost drivers so that a more accurate Activity Based Costing (ABC) system can be implemented.
Litigation Support
We can provide expert, objective analysis and assistance in commercial and civil litigation, in cases involving tax matters, business
valuation issues, divorce, calculations of monetary damages and lost income, and a variety of other matters. top
Mergers and Acquisitions
We have extensive experience assisting clients in evaluating merger and acquisition opportunities and executing them when appropriate. We can help you identify business synergies and evaluate projected cash flow information to arrive at a reasonable offer price. We can also perform due diligence procedures to unearth additional information that can impact the evaluation of a transaction. Our professionals are able to identify and deal with the tax issues that typically arise in these transactions and, working with legal counsel, can help structure the deal in a tax-effective manner. top
Succession Planning
Through thoughtful planning, we can help you develop a strategy that addresses your financial and non-financial objectives for the deliberate or unexpected succession of ownership and management of your business in the most tax-effective manner possible. top